Social development

Education and training

Despite gains, development lags

Between the years of 1990 and 2015, Cambodia saw the region’s highest rate of improvement in the UN’s Human Development Index, a metric that tracks wellbeing, though the country’s overall score remains well below the average for countries in East Asia and the Pacific, a ...

Dropout rates dropped in ’16, Education Ministry says

Significantly fewer upper secondary students dropped out of school in 2016 compared to the previous year, but Cambodian education authorities say they still want to halve the rate to improve graduation rates and students’ chances of success in life. Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron reported ...

Push to increase education, training

A senior government official has urged the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to help children – both those who have never attended school as well as dropouts – get an education or receive training to improve their job prospects and income. The push was made ...

Monastic school teachers to get training

Thousands of teachers in Buddhist monastic schools are going to be trained on how to deal with children better. Phaung Daw Oo Monastic Affiliated High School principal Sayadaw U Nayaka said the teachers would receive training in child-centred teaching approach in the 2017-18 academic year. ...

Laos calls for UN programmes to match development goals

Laos would like United Nations cooperation programmes to comply with the priorities laid out in the development plans of the countries it is assisting, to help them achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith stressed this perspective in his remarks at ...

Lao language used inconsistently, incorrectly by media

The media is struggling to find the right terms for a number of words used in daily broadcasting and publication and is calling for the establishment of an official body to study and approve correct usage. Recognising the problem, Lao language experts, editors and reporters ...

K30b request to boost Yangon power approved

A request of K30 billion from the special reserved fund, granted by Budget Law of the Union 2016, to be spent for supplying the electricity power shortage in Yangon Region during the summer season was approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on March 17 amidst complaints ...

Ministry to hear out nursing students

The Ministry of Health and Sports will talk to nursing students who staged a protest on March 15, its permanent secretary Dr Thet Khaing Win said. He said the ministry would negotiate with the students until their problems were settled. “We will discuss until they are ...

University staff warned of behaviour’ on social media

Lecturers of a northern university will have to think twice before posting a message on online media. Offending posts may affect staff performance reviews and salary adjustments, according to university rules that came into effect on February 20. The rules describe the use of online media ...

Cambodia's teachers cannot afford to be professional

Few teachers in the public system anywhere in the world will tell you that high salaries are one of the perks of the job. Educators in Cambodia, however, face an uphill battle just to get started in the profession. Recently, a 43-year-old veteran teacher, who ...

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