Mekong River Commission

Low dry season flows in Mekong drive down Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, countries urged to improve basin-wide management

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat has urged the wider exchange of data and information as part of recommendations to improve water resource management in the Lower Mekong Basin, in a bulletin released today. The 18-page Situation Report encourages MRC Member Countries and Dialogue Partners to share ...

Laos urged to better assess impacts, provide effective mitigation measures, as Luang Prabang dam moves forwards

Cambodia, Thailand and Viet Nam requested Lao PDR to conduct rigorous transboundary impact assessments and enhance proposed measures to mitigate potential adverse impacts from the 1,460-megawatt Luang Prabang hydropower project, as the Mekong River Commission concluded a six-month prior consultation process for the project. At a ...

Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Safeguarding livelihoods for fishing communities in Mekong Countries

The community at Dun Ei, a fishing village 180 kilometers northwest of Phnom Penh, has been making a living through fishing along the Pursat River for generations. In recent years, however, river structures, such as dams and dikes, have been preventing fish from migrating upstream ...

Renewed partnership with Murray-Darling Basin Authority will prepare Mekong for current and future challenges

Mekong basin-wide planning, environmental monitoring, flood and drought management, climate change adaption, and stakeholder engagement are some of the key areas to benefit from a renewed partnership between the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) of Australia. The technical collaboration between the MRC ...

Lao PDR Submits Notification on the Pak Lay Hydropower Project to MRC for Prior Consultation

The Mekong River Commission Secretariat has received an official notification from the Lao Government that it will undertake the formal process of prior consultation on its Pak Lay hydropower project in the Pak Lay area in the Lao PDR’s northern province of Xayaburi. The run-of-river ...

Multimedia Project Launched to Increase Awareness on Bilateral Water Cooperation

Fisheries, delta, wetland, lake and river basins management – officials and community members from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam working on transboundary water issues kicked off a multimedia project last week with regional workshops in Phnom Penh, and discussed how to showcase bilateral ...

MRC champions synergies and genuine win-win partnerships from Mekong frameworks and initiatives

Cooperating with Mekong-Lancang Cooperation framework, re-establishing a cooperation framework with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and reviving collaboration with Greater Mekong Sub-region were among key topics the Mekong River Commission’s Expert Group on Strategy and Partnership discussed yesterday during its kick-off meeting in Vientiane. Keep ...

Mekong River Commission Launches Two Joint Projects to Better Manage the Mekong Basin Resources and Address Flood and Drought Issues

The Mekong River Commission launched two joint projects between Cambodia and Lao PDR, and Cambodia and Thailand to better manage the Mekong basin resources and address flood and drought issues, at a kick-off meeting held yesterday in Vientiane.Keep reading ...

Mekong River Commission

Mekong countries agree to equal funding of river commission by 2030

Water and environmental ministers from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam laid out their agenda for 2018 at the 24th Mekong River Commission Council in Pattaya.Keep reading ...

Keng Na Songkhla

Renewable Power in Southeast Asia: Will the Legal Regime Catch Up with the Opportunities?

Southeast Asia offers rich renewable sector opportunities, recently exemplified by Chevron’s multibillion-dollar sale of its Indonesian and Philippines geothermal projects, and the purchase of Equis Energy for $5 billion. However, industry players and their lawyers face several challenges in developing a responsive and bankable legal ...

Sean Prior and Benjamin Thompson

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