
Ministries discuss major work roles and responsibilities

Representatives from three relevant ministries met on February 23 in Vientiane to discuss roles and duties in preventing and addressing the impacts of disasters and emergency incidents, addressing poverty, price adjustment of goods and other issues. The meeting was hosted by Ministry of Finance, with participation ...

New decision aims to enhance project implementation and costings

A new draft Prime Ministerial Decision plans to make all government investment project costs and technical specification estimations subject to Ministry of Public Works oversight. According to the draft decision, only the relevant authority within the Ministry of Public Works and Transport will be able ...

Laos, Cambodia enhance longstanding relationship

Laos and Cambodia plan to continue to foster their deep, longstanding and traditional friendship, relations and solidarity. The two countries’ leaders made their intentions clear during a two-day state visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia by President Bounnhang Vorachit. President Bounnhang visited Cambodia from February ...

Mooted Yangon expansion plans revived

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein said that the regional government will launch the Yangon New City project in Kyeemyindaing township, but firms involved in the Yangon Southwest New City were not informed about the new plan. A similar plan was initiated by the ...

No plans to suspend Criminal Act 144 in Minbu oil refineries

The imposition of Criminal Act 144 in Minbu district, Minbu township Mann oil refinery and oil refineries from Tauksharpin-Kanniyay, Magwe Region will not be suspended pending the enactment of other laws to safeguard the areas, said Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Major General Aung Soe. ...

Tax exemption offered to SMEs

A two-year income tax exemption is being offered to small and medium-sized enterprises that register with the Ministry of Economy and Finance before the end of 2018. According to a sub-decree published on February 22, the decision to offer a tax exemption for SMEs that are ...

Vietnam lacks risk management procedures in schools

The case of a female high school student who was severely burned after a chemistry lab experiment shows that schools lack sufficient risk management procedures.​ Several 12th graders at Phan Dinh Phung High School accidentally caused an explosion that injured three students. DA, a female student ...

Failures at assembly pile up

National Assembly effectiveness declined last year with prosecutions of opposition lawmakers, partisan passing of laws and many assembly members visiting constituents only to shore up their vote, an election watchdog claimed on February 21. A Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia report on ...

Tax perks in push for more children

Individual taxpayers can claim child allowance deductions for an unlimited number of biological children or up to three foster children under the new personal income tax structure effective from the 2017 tax year. The move, among other changes, is aimed at encouraging people to have ...

Ministry needs to strive further in cooperation efforts

Despite the significant achievements which have been made in international cooperation, the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism needs to exert greater efforts in furthering its diplomatic endeavours. This was the call made at a meeting of the ministry held last Friday to review its ...

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