Social development

Education and training

Stakeholders hope capacity building continues once programme ends

Officials, experts and beneficiaries of a Norwegian assistance programme hope target communities continue the capacity development founded by the project once the support ends. They expressed this desire at the closure of support provided by Norwegian Church Aid, which has been implemented in 11 provinces of ...

ADB offers Cambodia new $1B loan package

The Asian Development Bank has committed more than $1 billion in new loans to Cambodia over the next three years to help the country invest in infrastructure, education and other priorities, government officials announced on October 5. Finance Minister Aun Porn Moniroth announced the $1.09 ...

Students gather for second model ASEAN meeting

Over 80 student delegates from ten ASEAN member states gathered in Vientiane yesterday for the Second ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting to deliberate on issues related to labour immigration in the context of the ASEAN decision-making processes. The meeting was organised by the ASEAN Foundation in ...

New education aid announced for floating villages

More than 13,000 vulnerable children in 137 floating villages along the Tonle Sap river and Tonle Sap lake in Kampong Chhnang and Pursat provinces will have access to early childhood education under a $2.7 million project announced on September 28. Beginning mid-2017, children 5 and younger ...

Parents to be surveyed on education system

In the hopes of boosting parental involvement in their child’s education, teachers are conducting a survey. Parents will be asked to participate in the paper-based questionnaire, with teachers aiming to gain a better understanding of the issues faced by Myanmar’s education system as it readies itself ...

Vietnam, Philippines strengthen strategic partnership

The official visit to Vietnam by Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte from September 28-29 is expected to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries, especially in politics, security, defence, and economics. This is President Duterte’s first visit to Vietnam and his fourth foreign trip since ...

Laos sets ambitious education goals for 2020

Laos has set a goal for everyone aged 15-35 to complete the equivalent of lower secondary schooling by 2020, according to a government minister. Minister of Education and Sports Ms Sengdeuane Lachanthaboun revealed the ambitious plan on September 12 to mark International Literacy Day on September 8. This ...

Việt Nam gains ground in fight against illiteracy

Strides have been made in Viêt Nam to eradicate illiteracy over the last seventy years, and efforts to promote literacy continue on September 12. Việt Nam met the national standard for literacy in 2000, with 94 per cent of the population aged between 15 and 35 ...

Modern machinery, technical skills needed to improve wood processing

Modern machines and technical skills are required to enhance the competitiveness of the Lao timber processing industry in line with other countries in the region. Chairman of the Okawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Japan, Mr Yuji Sonoda made the observation during an interview with Vientiane ...

Taiwan to boost scholarship opportunities for SE Asian students

Taiwan will significantly increase scholarship opportunities to attract students from Southeast Asia and India as part of the government’s “New Southbound Policy,” the Ministry of Education announced on August 25. Starting in 2017, the Taiwan Scholarship program will offer 182 openings for students from Southeast Asia ...

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