Huge challenges still facing Vietnam's economy

It has been five years since the economic restructuring programme was launched, and despite some improvements to the Vietnamese economy, there has been little change in the growth model. For that reason, many have called for a reconsideration of the restructuring methods used over the past ...

Agro SEZ to grow China exports

A Chinese firm plans to invest at least $2 billion into developing the Kingdom’s first special economic zone geared entirely for agro-processing and storage, with the sprawling zone’s factories and warehouses aimed at meeting the growing potential for Cambodia to export its agricultural produce to ...

BIDV signs cooperation agreement with Japanese bank

The Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and the Yachiyo Bank of Japan have inked a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in supporting Japanese firms in Vietnam. This is the 26th Japanese bank that BIDV has signed such a cooperation deal with ...

Low marks for Cambodia’s efforts to combat illicit trade

Cambodia ranked third-worst for illicit trade out of 17 countries in the Asia-Pacific region in a recently released index by the Economist Intelligence Unit that analysed governments’ abilities to combat illegal trade operations. The report, commissioned by the European Chamber of Commerce of Singapore, reviewed countries ...

FDI sluggish as investor mood dims

Foreign direct investment for the whole of 2016 is expected to grow by just 2.7%, indicating that confidence in the Thai economy remains fragile, says Vallop Vitanakorn, vice-chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries. He said the likely FDI growth of 2.7% is low when ...

Singapore’s data mirrors UN’s in Cambodia’s sand export numbers

Singaporean customs data on sand imports from Cambodia show near identical figures to those recorded by the UN, which last month were dismissed by a top official amid a reporting discrepancy in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The UN data showed $752 million in imports ...

ASEAN officials discuss way forward for greater connectivity

ASEAN dialogue partners and delegates gathered in Vientiane on October 18 to discuss ways to put the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 into action. In particular, they considered more effective coordination between sectors, among nations and within the region. Gathering at the 3/2016 ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee ...

How to arrange VND230 trillion to build north-south highway

The Ministry of Transport has said that the north-south highway requires lower costs compared with other projects, but the Ministry of Finance says the required investment is high compared with the long-term public investment plan. MOT has submitted to the government a project on building a ...

Russia, Belarus prepare to establish auto joint ventures in Vietnam

A couple of Russian and Belarusian companies are preparing to set up auto joint ventures in Vietnam to benefit from two protocols between Vietnam and the two nations on production of vehicles here in the country. The two protocols were signed within the framework of the ...

Production slowing at Wa Tin mine

Output from a mysterious Myanma tin mine that has disrupted the global market in the metal is falling sharply and deposits could be depleted in “two to three years,” senior mine officials told Reuters. A surprise discovery of large quantities of tin has propelled the formerly ...

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