Fish yields rise, exports fall

The total export of fish products decreased in 2016 even though fish yields rose, causing income from the fisheries sector to drop by nearly a half compared with a year earlier. An Agriculture Ministry report showed that income from the fisheries sector in 2016 was ...

No violations of timber ban, forestry sector reports

There have been no violations of the ban on timber exports to foreign countries from the provinces after the Prime Minister issued the order almost nine months ago, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr Thongphath Vongmany ...

Trade officers prepare for Trump era

Amid concern over the impact on Thailand’s export growth of so-called “Trumponomics” under the new US president and the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote, Thai trade officers from 63 posts in 47 countries will attend a meeting in Bangkok on February 22 that has been called ...

SEC not worried about impact of B/E defaults

The securities watchdog has said it is not worried about defaults involving millions of baht worth of bills of exchange, saying the exposure is very low compared to the total bond market. The Securities and Exchange Commission, however, has taken prompt action to mitigate nervousness ...

Workers prepare ground for Laos-China railway

The construction of workers’ camps for the Laos-China railway is under way in Luang Namtha province but there is much to be done before work on the railway itself can begin. There are now 200 or 300 Chinese workers in the camps, but they are ...

Lao, Thai companies launch Saravan agribusiness project

The Tripletwo 222 Holding Co., Ltd. under Tripletwo 222 Group of Thailand has teamed up with Bachieng Agriculture Promotion Export-Import Sole Co., Ltd. to establish a large tapioca factory in Saravan province. The project is underway with investors expecting construction to be completed in 2019. ...

Wa State suffers as fewer Chinese come to party

In a remote casino in northeastern Burma, China’s pervasive campaign against graft has taken its toll. Hundreds of local traders and farmers place petty bets as low as 10 cents, outnumbering a few Chinese who were once the VIPs of a gambling hall decorated with ...

Commerce ministry cracks down on unreported export earnings

The Ministry of Commerce is working with the Central Bank to crack down on unreported export earnings, according to Union minister U Than Myint. The government has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to try to counter the volatile US dollar-kyat exchange rate, which has prompted widespread complaint ...

Vietnam, UK boost strategic partnership

The Vietnam-UK Network has contributed significantly to stimulating the strategic partnership between the two countries, said Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Nguyen Van Thao at a recent meeting of the network. Thao said the two partners overcame difficulties to secure sound cooperation outcomes last year, with ...

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