
Agricultural policy and administration

New fertiliser venture aims to satisfy growing demand

Fertiliser manufacturer Nangoku Agriculture Development, a Japanese-Cambodian joint venture, launched operations on November 21 with the aim of supplying locally manufactured fertilisers to Cambodian farmers at affordable prices. Cambodia’s Bayon Heritage Holding Group Co Ltd holds a 60-percent stake in the $2.2-million joint venture with partner ...

Cashew industry sets standards

The Việt Nam Cashew Association has set standards for cashew processing to nudge the industry towards cleaner production and ensure consistent quality. The standards, announced at the eighth Việt Nam Golden Cashew Rendezvous in Đà Nẵng last week, cover input materials, technical requirements and equipment involved ...

President inspects Biluchaung Hydro-power Plant 2 in Kayah State

President U Htin Kyaw, together with Union Ministers U Than Myint, U Thein Swe and U Pe Zin Tun and Deputy Minister Maj-Gen Than Htut, visited Loikaw in Kayah State on November 3 and met with local officials, entrepreneurs, farmers and residents in Linphonlay Village. The ...

Tobacco turns over a new leaf

Agriculture officials and struggling smallholder tobacco farmers are cautiously hopeful that tariff exemptions granted under a new trade agreement with Vietnam will lift sagging demand for their crops. Khann Samban, director of industrial crops at the Ministry of Agriculture, said that the market for tobacco ...

Agricultural research in remote areas to be extended

The National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute and National University of Laos will continue a collaborative research project for the improvement of the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in semi-mountainous areas. The two parties will continue to work at the Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural ...

Japanese businesses eye VN agriculture

An increasing number of Japanese firms are interested in investing in Việt Nam, particularly in the agriculture sector, Tanoi Masahiko of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said at a meeting on September 27. He said the increased number of businesses participating in the ...

Innovation for a fruitful harvest

The integration of technology into Cambodia’s agricultural sector is vital to increase the competitiveness and overall performance of the Kingdom’s harvest, but efforts to push for widespread adoption of innovative solutions has been slow to take off, industry experts and stakeholders said at a forum ...

Plan to certify organic quality

GIZ Cambodia, a branch of Germany’s international development agency, signed an agreement on September 15 with local organic food retailer Khmer Organic Cooperative to provide technical support to develop organic vegetable production and to assist the firm in obtaining certification for its products. The agreement calls for ...

Rice body steps up to the plate

Responding to criticism, Cambodia’s apex rice industry body announced on 9 March that it would submit a plan to Prime Minister Hun Sen that addresses two of the major challenges facing the Kingdom’s rice sector – competition from rice imports and access to finance for millers. Keep ...

Brazil challenges Thai sugar 'subsidies'

Brazil will challenge Thailand at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over “subsidies” for sugar producers that it says have dragged down global prices, the Trade Ministry said.  Brazil said the Thai government had given support to cane growers and sugar mills that was inconsistent with international trade ...

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