Economy and commerce

Vietnam urged to use more renewable energy

Viet Nam should enhance clean and renewable energy resources as well as promoting energy saving, said Le Tuan Phong, deputy director of the General Directorate of Energy under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Statistics from the agency showed that average energy demand in Viet Nam ...

Mekong forum focused on sharing responsibility for common prosperity: expert

The Mekong Forum 2016 served to foster dialogue among partners and agencies of Greater Mekong Subregion countries to pursuing their development targets, an expert said on August 29. “These include reducing poverty and inequality, generating inclusive growth, improving capacity development, and exceeding the sustainable development ...

FDI inflow seen as driving economic development

A modest increase in the inflow of foreign direct investment is a sign that Cambodia remains an attractive destination to investors, and will go a long way toward the country’s development, analysts said on August 31. Total capital inflow of foreign direct investment to Cambodia amounted ...

India approves CLMV fund

The government of India yesterday approved the creation of a project development fund of about $75 million to help Indian firms invest in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam ‒ the so-called CLMV countries. “The project development fund will benefit India’s industrial community in terms of business ...

Yunnan: China's bridge to South and Southeast Asia

China is revisiting its periphery with a new, localized approach to regional multilateralism. China is revisiting the importance of its peripheries for engaging with its neighbors according to its ambitious economic plans. Beijing’s new approach is a top-down regulatory regionalism in exploring economic engagement with the neighborhood, particularly Southeast ...

Chin State to focus on trade, SMEs and tourism

The Chin State government will focus on developing three main areas of the local economy over the next five years – trade, small and medium enterprises, and tourism – according to the state minister for development, electricity and industry. Local officials will work with the Union ...

ASEAN trade beckons strict food safety measures

Rising income levels combined with an increase in cross-border trade in Southeast Asia has meant many countries in the region have had to begin strengthening food safety measures in order to meet growing consumer awareness. Under new food safety laws revised in July, the maximum punishment for food poisoning and ...

New bridge slated for Mandalay-Muse highway

A new concrete bridge will be built on the Mandalay-Muse Highway, the main route for border trade through Shan State to China, according to a statement by the Ministry of Information on August 5. The bridge will incorporate a two-lane highway as well as hard shoulders ...

Vietnam seeks deepened ties with Brunei, Singapore

The upcoming State visits to Brunei and Singapore by President Tran Dai Quang aim to realise the foreign policy set forth by the 12th Party Congress and deepen relations with the two ASEAN member countries. Vietnam and Brunei established diplomatic ties on February 29, 1992. Since ...

More angels coming in search of worthy investments

Two months since a group of angel investors visited Phnom Penh in search of startup investment opportunities, the organisation behind the initiative is planning an even bigger scouting mission, looking for investment opportunities in the Kingdom’s small but vibrant startup community. Seven members of the Mekong ...

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