Environment and natural resources

Environmental and biodiversity protection

Small Grants Fund - Global Forest Watch

Civil Society Organizations operating in and around forested areas are some of the most effective champions of forest conservation and management. However, they frequently lack the resources or knowledge of how to incorporate the latest forest-monitoring technology into their research, advocacy, and field work. The ...

Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) 2019 Youth Competition - Win a fully-funded trip to Kyoto, Japan

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is looking for outstanding young people to join GLF Kyoto 2019. Those aging between 18 and 35 and eager to actively contribute to a historic global dialogue on climate are eligible for the competition.  Eager to be a speaker? Apply to win an all-expenses ...

Act Green for a Greener Mekong

The Mekong River is a source of water for millions, the world’s most productive freshwater fishery, and a lifeline shared by people of five nations. What better reasons to “Act Green for a Greener Mekong”? Now, our own green actions have a chance to be recognized and rewarded as ...

Expanded Constituency Workshops 2019 in Mongolia

Expanded Constituency Workshops will be held in Mongolia from 23 to 26 April 2019. ECW 2019 keeps the GEF National Focal Points, Convention Focal Points and other key stakeholders, including civil society, up to date on GEF strategies, policies and procedures and to encourage coordination. The events enable focal ...

E-Course on Introduction to the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

This E-course provides an overview of the GEF, a unique international organization that is dedicated to safeguarding the global environment. It is a joint production by the GEF Secretariat’s Knowledge & Learning Team and the Open Learning Campus (OLC) of the World Bank Group, and ...

2019 EarthRights School Application

The EarthRights School (ERS) is a training program for civil society advocates from Myanmar and the Mekong region who are working on environmental and human rights issues. The theme of the seven-month program is “Community Leadership for Earth Rights.” The curriculum integrates storytelling and legal ...

**EXTENSION TO THE DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 23, 2018 @ 5PM ICT (BANGKOK TIME)** Internews’ EJN & SEAPA Environmental Story Grants

Announcing new grants by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network and the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) for Environmental Journalists from Asia and the Pacific to produce stories focused on promoting free speech and the environment in the region. Successful applications will show how information can empower ...

Telling stories about landscapes – Insights from media and science

Global Landscapes Forum invites journalists or media specialists to attend a workshop aiming at discussing environmental and human stories related to landscapes and explore some of the best tools and techniques that can use for reporting in a way that speaks to both editors and ...

4th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) will hold the 4th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia in Vietnam on January 23 and 24, 2019. The aim of the forum is to create a foundation for a consortium of relevant institutions and governments in the ...

Call for Proposals: Asia-Pacific and Bay of Bengal Media Grants 2018

Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is calling for proposals “Asia-Pacific and Bay of Bengal Media Grants 2018”. Grants are available to media groups, journalist networks and other environmental information-generating organizations that are working to improve the quantity and quality of environmental news coverage. Regional, national and local media ...

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