E-Course on Introduction to the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

This E-course provides an overview of the GEF, a unique international organization that is dedicated to safeguarding the global environment. It is a joint production by the GEF Secretariat’s Knowledge & Learning Team and the Open Learning Campus (OLC) of the World Bank Group, and ...

Cumulative Impact Assessment on Lower Mekong Regional Water and Energy Infrastructure Development and Planning

The Lower Mekong Initiative – Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership, funded by the United States Department of State, and implemented by Pact, together with Mae Fah Luang University and partners will conduct a multi-disciplinary expert course: “Cumulative Impact Assessment on Lower Mekong Regional Water and Energy Infrastructure Development ...

Release of major assessment of the state of the environment in Southeast Asia

The Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) in collaboration with SEI has published its ASEAN Fifth State of the Environment Report, which shows environmental challenges growing in number and complexity. – Studies predict a 4.8°C rise in mean annual temperature and a mean 70cm rise in sea ...

Stockholm Environment Institute

Regional Training Workshop on Hydropower Environmental Impact Mitigation for the Lower Mekong Basin

MRCS is arranging a Regional Training Workshop on Hydropower Environmental Impact Mitigation for the Lower Mekong Basin on January 23-24, 2018 at the Office of the Mekong River Commission Secretariat in Vientiane, Lao PDR.For more details, please visit here ...

Mekong River Commission

Regional guidelines on public participation in environmental impact asessment

Mekong Partnership for the Environment (MPE)’s Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have invited public comment on their draft regional guidelines for public participation in EIA. See an introduction to the guidelines below and access the full set of guidelines at their website ...

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