Prindex collects data how citizens perceive the security of their rights to land and property
Prindex collects data from around the world on how citizens perceive the security of their rights to land and property. Prindex has published data for the following 15 countries, including Thailand. They are currently collecting data in over 10 countries, consisting of Vietnam. Time: November 28, ...
Lower Mekong Research Symposium
Lower Mekong Research Symposium: Collaboration through Effective Sharing of Data and Computational Resources will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on September 6-7, 2018. Recognizing the value of sharing knowledge, tools, and best practices to tackle globally relevant challenges, the University of Virginia and its ...
ODM data & technology showcase event at Regional Land Forum
Open Development Mekong (ODM) will host a user engagement session, to walk participants through new features of the platform and seek feedback on the platform, tools and content offered (please bring a laptop to this parallel session). The Data & Technology Showcase Event will be held ...
Open Development Mekong is now open to data contributors!
We are proud to announce our new data crowdsourcing facility on the regional Open Development platform. By becoming a data contributor, you or your organization will be joining our information ecosystem, giving you the opportunity to expand access to publicly available resources on pressing topics ...