Social development
Public health
Indigenous Peoples' Data During COVID-19: From External to Internal

Governments have used real-time data and disease trackers quantifying the size, spread, and distribution of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) that emerged in 2019 to inform and influence decision and policy making. Indigenous Peoples have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, whether through infection, fatality, economic ...
Guidelines and Tools for Eliminating Malaria in Myanmar

A technical assistance project in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) is helping Myanmar eliminate malaria by 2030. TA 8959-REG: Malaria and Communicable Diseases Control in the Greater Mekong Subregion project is supported by a grant from the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Regional Malaria and Other Communicable ...
High-level Meeting on Risk Communications for Public Health Emergencies

High-level Meeting on Risk Communications for Public Health Emergencies: “How Can We Include Migrants and Ethnic Minorities?” will be held in Paris on 10-11 October 2018, with a special focus on how to reach special population, including migrants and ethnic minorities. The High-level Meeting will foster ...
A Health Impact Assessment Framework for Special Economic Zones in the Greater Mekong Subregion

This health impact assessment framework serves as a guide to manage health risks and impacts in economic zones of the Greater Mekong Region and address transboundary issues associated with human migration. More details ...
Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students and University Faculty

The awards are open to the following academic populations:– Doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country– Full-time faculty members (must have a minimum of a master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country– Project duration: ...
First Meeting of GMS Working Group on Health Cooperation
Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Health Cooperation will convene its first meeting in Luang Prabang, Lao on December 13-14.For more information, please visit here ...
Greater Mekong Subregion Secretariat
Forum on Regional Health Impact Assessment Consultation on SEZ
The Asian Development Bank will hold forum on regional health impact assessment consultation on special economic zones at Centara Grand Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 28 November 2017.DescriptionThe objective of the consultation is to share member countries’ experiences as it relates to health impact assessment (HIA) and special ...
Asian Development Bank
Open Development Mekong is now open to data contributors!

We are proud to announce our new data crowdsourcing facility on the regional Open Development platform. By becoming a data contributor, you or your organization will be joining our information ecosystem, giving you the opportunity to expand access to publicly available resources on pressing topics ...
Earthrights International releases statement on IFC/Tata Mundra coal plant case

EarthRights International has released a statement on the status of their case against the International Finance Corporation in federal court in Washington D.C.“Local fishing communities and farmers represented by EarthRights International (ERI) are suing the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in federal court in Washington, D.C. ...
Twitter and UN Global Pulse announce data partnership

Twitter and UN Global Pulse have announced a data and analytics partnership to aid implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Read the press release below and find out more at the UN’s website.—Twitter and UN Global Pulse today announced a partnership that will provide the ...