Executive training on extractive industries and sustainable development 

The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) will host the sixth annual Executive Training on Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development from June 4-15, 2018 in New York City. The program is designed to equip public sector officials and civil society representatives from resource-rich developing countries with the necessary skills to promote the responsible development of the extractive industries sector in resource-rich developing countries and to encourage a rich dialogue about best practices from around the globe; select development partners and private sector representatives may also be accepted.

The two-week training emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of resource-based development. By working through real case studies and with practitioners and experts in the field, participants will be able to apply analytical tools and frameworks to the unique context of the extractive industries in their country. 

Visit CCSI website for more information and application materials. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until January 31, 2018.  Contact CCSI at ccsi@law.columbia.edu to express an interest in sponsoring participants for the 2018 program.

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment