Bangkok to Beijing train: Mekong River railway bridge opens

Travellers are one step closer to an epic train journey from Bangkok to Beijing as a new railway bridge over the Mekong River has opened, linking Thailand and Laos by rail for the first time. This milestone, completed last month, leaves just a few dozen miles of a trackless gap before the route can finally reach China.

With the launch of this new service, passengers can now enjoy a 12-hour train journey from Bangkok’s Krung Thep Aphiwat Station to Khamsavath Station in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. However, Khamsavath, located about 9.7 kilometres outside Vientiane, is currently the final stop on this route. Travellers wishing to continue their journey to China must navigate Vientiane’s streets via taxis or vans to reach the larger, Chinese-built Vientiane Railway Station, which lies 16 kilometres northeast of the capital.

The remaining tracks could be laid by 2028, completing the long-awaited connection to China. Once finished, the route will link Bangkok directly to southern China’s high-speed rail network, marking a significant boost for trade and tourism in the region.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal