The Great Walls On Mekong: Dams Of Fate

Indeed, the Mekong River—the tenth largest river hosting the second largest biodiversity in the world—is a gorgeous natural treasure that six countries on the Asian continent are blessed with.

Her 4,909-kilometer journey commences on the vast hills of the Tibetan Plateau, spanning the territories of China, Myanmar, Laos PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam before immersing in the waters of the South China Sea. Her body, whose living diversity is second only to the Amazon, boasts approximately 1,200 freshwater creatures, including the last specimens of endangered fish species such as the Irrawaddy dolphin, giant freshwater stingray and the notorious Mekong giant catfish. This incredible ecosystem and the river’s wealth of silt make the Mekong’s role unique in the planet’s conservation efforts, and irreplaceable for the livelihood of 70 million people currently relying on her abundant resources.

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Duong Nguyen