
Land transfers

Responsible large scale agricultural investment in the Mekong Region: an online dialogue, 9-20 October 2017

MLIKE (Mekong Land Information and Knowledge Exchange) will host an online dialogue on the theme of ‘Responsible Large Scale Agricultural Investment in the Mekong’ in collaboration with the Mekong Region Land Governance project (MRLG) and the Land Portal. The objective of the dialogue is to offer ...


IDI releases latest 'Outsourcing Development' report on World Bank financing in Africa

Inclusive Development International (IDI) has released the latest invesitgation in their Outsourcing Development series, detailing the International Finance Corporation’as indirect financing of land grabs in Africa. Read their full press release below with links to their report.— The World Bank Group has indirectly financed some of Africa’s ...

MRLG invites participants for Mekong customary tenure dialogue

The Mekong Region Land Governance Project is seeking participants for an online dialogue on Recognition of Customary Tenure in the Mekong region, taking place between February 13-24, 2017.Please see below for their invitation, register for attendance at their website, and contact for more information.—YOU ...

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