Bangkok’s ‘Hazibition’ points finger at corporations for toxic haze in lower Mekong

Thailand’s clean air campaigners are staging an exhibition in Bangkok to show how industrial-scale maize cultivation to produce animal feed is partly responsible for the toxic annual smog in the lower Mekong region. 

“Hazibition,” an exhibition on haze pollution by environment group Greenpeace, started Tuesday at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center. It is an attempt to expose the root causes of smog that have become a persistent threat to the health of the population in the region, organizers said. 

“We want to show the link between transboundary air pollution in the lower Mekong region and industrial-scale cultivation of maize by big corporations for animal feed,” Rattanasiri Kittikongnapang, a Greenpeace food and ecology campaigner, told Radio Free Asia.

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Subel Rai Bhandari for RFA