Looking for a fix for Asia’s traffic woes

With no single cause, and no magic solution, the congestion of Asia’s cities requires government resolve and know-how to fix.

Urban congestion, more commonly known as traffic, is probably the most painful daily experience for people living in modern cities. It costs our time, ruins our mood, and harms our health. From an economic perspective, traffic increases costs of our travel within a city and thus restricts the areas we can reach for jobs and amenities. Therefore, it counteracts the higher productivity and quality of life that cities are anticipated to offer. However, there seems no easy solution to it and situations have not improved much, and have become worse, in many places over time.

To tackle the problem, we first need a better understanding of it. How to quantify urban congestion, what are the city attributes that give rise to it, and what are options to address it?

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Yi Jiang