
Gender Data Impact: Call for Stories

Despite increased awareness of the importance of gender data, concrete examples of gender data leading to impact – on legislation, government programs or policies, practices/behaviors, or perceptions/attitudes – are not easy to find. Data2X, in partnership with Open Data Watch and Devex, is working to identify ...

Asian Institute of Technology: Scholarships

For applicants who are in need of financial aid, the following scholarships/fellowships are available. Scholarships are awarded on very competitive bases. Each scholarship award covers full tuition and registration fees plus accommodation, and a bursary for living expenses in AIT’s residential campus, for the entire period ...

Asian Institute of Technology

Full Scholarship: Master of Arts Program in International Development Studies

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Myanmar in partnership with Master of Arts Program in International Development Studies at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.  Qualified candidates living and working in Myanmar are eligible to apply for the scholarship.  The current application deadline for the Master of Arts in International Development Studies ...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs) Myanmar

2018 International Open Data Conference: Call for Proposals

The global open data community is invited to submit proposals for sessions to be included in the agenda for the 2018 International Open Data Conference to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 20-21, 2018. This year marks 10 years since the idea of open ...


Call for Proposals: Asia-Pacific Story Grants

The Internews Earth Journalism Network (EJN) Asia-Pacific Story Grants are available to support the production of in-depth stories that provide information that can empower communities at risk of environmental and climate change impacts to make better decisions about their options and build their resilience. EJN is ...

Internews Earth Journalism Network (EJN)

World Sustainable Development Summit

The World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS), organized by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India, will be held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi from 15/02/2018 to 17/02/2018.  The summit aims to accelerate action towards sustainable development and especially climate change. At WSDS, UNCCD will organize ...


4th AFSA International Conference on Food Safety and Food Security (AFSA2018)

The 4th AFSA International Conference on Food Safety and Food Security (AFSA2018) will be held on 10-12 August 2018 at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia. AFSA2018 is organized by Asia Food Safety and Security Association; Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Mekong Institute, ...


1st Annual Mekong Mini Movie Festival – Capture “Mekong In A Minute”

Mekong Mini Movie Festival aims to celebrate those inspiring, stunning, and just plain awesome Mekong moments which have been captured. The Mekong Mini Movie Festival focuses on—as its name suggests—videos under 60 seconds. a film is simple; just submit directly to your Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube ...

Mekong Tourism

Call For Applications: Women For The Annamites Grant

Wildact Vietnam announce that we are joining force with the Saola Working Group to provide a small grant to support capacity building of women in Vietnam and Laos for biodiversity conservation and sustainability in the Annamite Mountains.Recognizing that in Indochina ‘forest’ (i.e., conservation) work is ...

Wildact Vietnam

Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students and University Faculty

The awards are open to the following academic populations:– Doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country– Full-time faculty members (must have a minimum of a master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country– Project duration: ...


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